ISO 19011 Revision Meetings Scheduled

The initial meetings for revising ISO 19011 have been set.

If you are planning to participate at the U.S. level, two Technical Advisory Group (TAG) meetings have been scheduled:

  • August 19, 2016 in Washington DC
  • October 19, 2016 in Memphis, TN (This is being held in conjunction with the ASQ Audit Division meeting.)

You do need to be a member to participate in the TAG meetings. If you are interested in joining, you can download the application from the ASQ website at There is a fee to join.

The first international meeting of PC 302 has also been scheduled. It will be held in Orlando on November 7 – 11, 2016. For more information about who is participating in this standard development effort and the status of the revision efforts, go to the ISO website for PC 302

Posted in ISO 19011 Revision

What is ISO 19011?

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