
The goal of this web site is to provide information helpful to you in establishing an effective audit program for your organization.

Thea_pThis site is maintained by Thea Dunmire.

Thea specializes in assisting organizations with the implementation of integrated environmental, health and safety management systems. A key component of a robust management system is an effective internal audit program.

Thea is an environmental attorney. She is an experienced management system auditor with over 30 years of auditing experience. She is also a certified industrial hygienist and a certified safety professional. She has been active in the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) for over 25 years and is an AIHA Fellow.

Thea has also been active in ISO standards development activities for many years. She was a U.S. Expert for the 2011 revision of ISO 19011. In 2012, she co-authored an article with Gary Johnson based on this experience – Pointed in the Right Direction.

Thea is a frequent speaker on topics related to management system implementation, sustainability, auditing and international standards development. She also writes articles on management system topics for several different publications, including The Synergist and Quality Progress.

ENLAR Compliance Services, Inc. provides focused training and coaching programs to help individuals who need to assist their organizations in establishing and maintaining effective management systems. For more information, visit ENLAR’s web site at www.enlar.com.

Contact Information:

Thea Dunmire, JD, CIH, CSP

ENLAR Compliance Services, 3665 E Bay Dr. #204C, Largo, FL 33771

Phone:  727-754-3670

Page last updated 09/03/2016

What is ISO 19011?

For more information about ISO 19011 and to download a FREE white paper on the revision of the standard, click here.

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